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The first Web-site about the World-wide Cerambycoidea
Cerambycids are among the most admired animals
in the world for their elegance and at the same time the most searched
for by the collectors. Their forestry interest makes of them the most
important group of insects for the Forestry Sciences from an economic
point of view. Their presence in any place of the world and the great
number of species make of them the most studied group of beetles,
which still has to offer interesting discoveries.
The present site is addressed to all, either passionate or scientists,
that would like to deepen their knowledge on this group. This site hosts the most ample
on world-wide Cerambycids, which may be
consulted entirely free. Other galleries count maybe - for the moment
- a major number of species, but nowhere else you will find so many species
of any place of the world. Many of these photos are uniquely available
on this site.
Should this gallery be insufficient, the
link page
will take you to various galleries more specialised on certain fauna of the world,
or to the types present in the greatest Museums of Natural Sciences.
In case you would like to deepen your knowledge on Cerambycids, the site also offers you a rich collection of
taken from the Web, which could be downloaded free.
Should you like to contact a specialist, the site offers a list containing the names of the
their e-mail addresses and personal Web-sites so that you may know them personally.
If you would like to see living Cerambycids, this site makes the links to
available on the Internet.
Finally, should you not find the answer to your questions, a
where you could write in the main European languages, is at your disposal.
Enjoy your visit!!!
Francesco Vitali