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 Key to Nadezhdiella Plavilstshikov, 1931

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Francesco Posted - 16/12/2012 : 14:53:07
En suivant les conseilles de Gérard, voilŕ une petite clč du genre Nadezhdiella Plavilstshikov, 1931
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dryobius Posted - 04/12/2014 : 00:18:39

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Here is N. spadix.
I have never seen a male, and just 3 females, including the holotype.
Francesco Posted - 16/12/2012 : 15:02:44
3. Lateral tooth of the prothorax well developed, under intergenal space smooth (China, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand) ... Nadezhdiella fulvopubens (Pic, 1933)

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-. Lateral tooth of the prothorax obsolete; under intergenal space wrinkled (Borneo) ... Nadezhdiella spadix Holzschuh, 2005
Francesco Posted - 16/12/2012 : 14:56:03
2. Pronotum uniformly pubescent, feebly rounded at sides; spines abruptly emerging from the sides (Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, China, Taiwan)... Nadezhdiella cantori (Hope, 1845)

Photo Gérard Chemin

Photo Pierre Haller

-. Pronotum more densely pubescent at sides, laterally angulated; spines conical (Japan: Ryukyu) ... Nadezhdiella japonica Hayashi, 1972

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Francesco Posted - 16/12/2012 : 14:54:14
1. Antennomeres internally unarmed at the apex................................................. 2.

-. Antennomeres V-X internally spined at the apex (pay attention: the spines are minute! )... 3.

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