T O P I C R E V I E W |
Posted - 26/04/2016 : 09:19:03  229.15 KB
For our favorite forum, similar to Dubianella podanyi Vives & Bentanachs 2005 |
3 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
cerambyphil |
Posted - 07/05/2016 : 18:38:19 J'émets moi aussi des doutes sur un autre Callichromatini nouveau, il s'agit de Pachyteria nocki qui est à mon avis une forme extrême de Pachyteria ruficollis.
Les seules différences sont basées sur des caractères difficilement quantifiables : densité de ponctuation sur les élytres et le pronotum, étendue de la coloration verte sur le pronotum. En effet, je possède un ex qui est très légèrement vert sur les marges antérieure et postérieure du pronotum. |
Andre |
Posted - 28/04/2016 : 22:09:31 Hello Dan I am completely in agreement with you. Might be the same problem we have by Luzonochroma mindorensis  |
dryobius |
Posted - 28/04/2016 : 04:37:05 Bentanachs described this species from one specimen, based on 3 characters.
1) a black apical spot on the elytra 2) a more coarsely punctate pronotum than D. podanyi 3) a more coarsely punctate femora than D. podanyi
I think all of these characters are variable within D. podanyi.
Other testaceus Callichromatini from Sabah have forms with occasional black areas at the apex of the elytra (i.e. Schmidtiana ochracea, Parandrocephalus eversor)
A specimen of D. podanyi in my collection (without elytral dark area) has the pronotal punctation somewhat coarser than other specimens.
While I like to support my colleagues, I believe this species is just a variety of D. podanyi. This is just my opinion, but perhaps someday I will have enough specimens to illustrate the variations a little better. |