T O P I C R E V I E W |
Capitaine |
Posted - 23/04/2015 : 16:41:42  
For Gallery: couple of Paroplites ritsemai Lameere, 1912 50 mm (Borneo / Sabah) |
7 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Capitaine |
Posted - 10/01/2021 : 12:08:55 Following the revision of the genus Paroplites/Cnemoplites by Komiya, Drumont & Delahaye,2021 this is a pair of Paroplites oculatus sp.nov. |
Capitaine |
Posted - 18/03/2017 : 14:14:08 In my opinion, my presentation of discrepancies between inermis and ritsemai is consistent with the logic. Or explain me why an armed (tibiae spiny) species should be named "inermis" ?? I will try to find the original description of this species (Aurivillius,1910) and the one of P. aurivillii (Lameere, 1903). |
nasa |
Posted - 18/03/2017 : 05:58:55 Is this topic wrong? |
Gandalf |
Posted - 04/05/2015 : 14:34:14 Indeed, this is a pair of P. ritsemai. I have recently examined the type pair of P. inermis from Stockholm museum and this is a different species with a stronger punctuation on elytra. The type pair is the only pair of inermis I know currently. So, my previous determination of P. inermis from Sabah should be wrong and must be corrected. I'm sorry for this inconvenience. |
dryobius |
Posted - 24/04/2015 : 14:13:05 I had to ask because Alain identified my specimens as P. inermis and they look the same |
Capitaine |
Posted - 24/04/2015 : 09:45:47 Yes, all specimens validated by A.Drumont |
dryobius |
Posted - 24/04/2015 : 03:53:26 Are you sure? Perhaps P. inermis (Aur.) |