T O P I C R E V I E W |
Francesco |
Posted - 14/09/2023 : 18:23:56   
Dear friends, I'd like to submit you a Lepturini from Baltic amber, whose description is advanced enough. However, I'd like to know your taxonomic advice.
The beetle is 7.5 mm long and, possibly, entirely black. No ventral part of tarsi is guessable; however, in my opinion, the shape of temples could make this insect as a member of Pedostrangalia. What do you think about?
7 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Francesco |
Posted - 08/01/2024 : 13:00:05 Pidonia shows a quite different pronotum; moreover, it belongs to Rhagiini. which are characterised by the prosternum forming an angle in lateral view.
I have described this species as Pedostrangalia (s. str.) ostensackeni.
It is dedicated to Carl-Robert Osten-Sacken (1828-1906), eminent dipterologist of Baltic German origin and Russian consul in the United States for reminding the strong links among European peoples.
The article, including the description of another Pedostrangalia from Rovno amber, the first fossil member of Anoplodera (tentative identification) from Rovno amber and a new subgenus for Paracorymbia antiqua Vitali, 2005 can be free downloaded here. |
Xaurus |
Posted - 21/10/2023 : 00:31:32 only an idea: why not near to Pidonia (long legs, long 3th antennal joint), Pedostrangalia has not so long legs in relation to the elongate body of of the amber spm |
Francesco |
Posted - 20/10/2023 : 09:30:57 quote: Originally posted by Capitaine
The neck seems curiously stretched ...
All beetle is stretched: if you observe the abdomen is displaced backward. |
Francesco |
Posted - 20/10/2023 : 09:28:00  138.48 KB
Here, the dorsal view. The visible part is very narrow and the elytra can be observed from another side of the amber. Actually, I have just submitted a paper describing this species as Pedostrangalia. I have to update the reconstruction (elytra are a bit different). |
Capitaine |
Posted - 17/09/2023 : 10:20:27 Indeed, quite close to P. revestita in elytral and pronotum structure and antennal architecture. The neck seems curiously stretched ... |
Francesco |
Posted - 14/09/2023 : 19:51:12 This is the neck. I have to add a dorsal picture of the pronotum, but the vision is very narrow.
Xavier |
Posted - 14/09/2023 : 19:32:10  72.95 KB
Probably a stupid question, but is it part of the head or the pronotum? |